PDS-1000/He システムに関する質問集

質問 ID: 1101

[PDS-1000/Heシステム] 線虫への遺伝子導入例はありますか?



Homologous gene targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans by biolistic transformation
Eugene Berezikov, Cornelia I. Bargmann, and Ronald H. A. Plasterk
Nucleic Acids Res., Feb 2004; 32: e40.

Mitochondrial complex I mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans produce cytochrome c oxidase deficiency, oxidative stress and vitamin-responsive lactic acidosis
Leslie I. Grad and Bernard D. Lemire
Hum. Mol. Genet., Feb 2004; 13: 303 - 314.

Caenorhabditis elegans p97 controls germline-specific sex determination by controlling the TRA-1 level in a CUL-2-dependent manner
Yohei Sasagawa, Mieko Otani, Nahoko Higashitani, Atsushi Higashitani, Ken Sato, Teru Ogura, and Kunitoshi Yamanaka
J. Cell Sci., Oct 2009; 122: 3663 - 3672.